
We said our goodbyes to our intrepid week 1 swimming 7. Lots of hugs, some tears. Not much time to wallow though, as we had to clear our gear from the Lagoon 52 and set up shop on this week's boat - an Evolution 48. We have fewer guests this week, and this smaller, sleeker vessel will serve us just fine.

The sun put on an impressive attempt at busting through tonight's impressive cloud cover.

The sun put on an impressive attempt at busting through tonight's impressive cloud cover.

But sheesh do we have a LOT of stuff. The move was complicated by an impressive storm - high winds and driving rain. Rainstorms are a real pain when you live on a boat. Everything gets wet and it doesn't want to dry. By the time we went to bed last night, our new home looked like a bomb exploded in a frat house. I had very little hope we could pull it all together.

But how could I underestimate this crew? By noon today we had it mostly ship shape, even the groceries were loaded, and I'd made my nest in my little coffin berth in the forepeak. Home. 

We said goodbye to guide Dave yesterday, and today I had to say goodbye to my partner in swimming crime, Hopper. After the months we have spent saving these two trips (lost boat, lost islands, etc), it was hard to let him go (Hey Hop, come back?). Thanks, buddy. We will do you proud.

But we've also picked up our guide Simon, kind and rock steady, Simon can swim like a fish and hang with just about anyone. He also happens to be Canadian, which connects him to two of our guests and Zack, and his father was born in Wales, just like Simeon. It's hard to imagine doing this without him. He'll be a perfect compliment to our team this week.

With yesterday's storm came a cool front. The sun never came out today and the wind blew. As our new guests boarded our boat, we all bundled up for the ride. I'm wearing a hat as I type. We picked a different first spot for the night, out of the wind, and it will give us a chance to find yet another new swim in the morning. Already, this week sets itself apart from the last. I'm open and intrigued to see how the Abacos will ask us to adapt this week, and how this trip will evolve to become its own adventure.

That's life on water. Lucky me.

Hugh, Hugh Jr, Janine and Myssie, tired from their travel and a bit chilly, fell into easy conversation tonight. They seem relaxed and at home in spite of my simmering anxiety about the cool temps today. Chef Chris' warm and wonderful chicken souse was just right to make for a cozy evening and warm, full bellies. Our guests tucked into bed by 845. I'm not far behind.

Tomorrow, we swim.

- Heather

Janine keeping Captain Simeon company on his fly bridge, and everyone huddled up against this suddenly not-tropical wind. Janine and Chef Chris clinked glasses and became fast friends. Tomorrow we'll have sun.