If it's Tuesday it must be Pigs.

Everyone slept. My alarm went off at 6 am, I didn't see a soul so I climbed back into my bunk. Wind. It's a sound we guides don't love to wake to on SwimVacation. But there's not much we can do about it. 

When we all finally emerged, I heard reports from Myssie and Simon about shooting stars. The Geminid Meteor shower! Wind = clear skies. There's a benefit. Ok. 



We designed a swim that would be a timed swim North to the very end of Great Guana Cay, dead into the wind and white caps, with a plan to turn around and cruise back to the boat. These 4 jumped in like it wasn't cold, like it wasn't windy. They couldn't wait to see what there was to see. We had a great showing of characters as we charged into the wind. Still no batfish (where'd he go?) but lots of other things we hadn't seen here last week, including a baby barracuda, schools of bar jacks, a coupla pompano. A GIANT spotted sea slug! A sting ray! Mating conch (tee hee!), for which I told the ladies they had to pay extra. We also swam over the golf ball cemetery, off the property of someone with excellent repeat precision with a driver. Janine, Myssie, Hugh and Hugh all did great swimming up the mountain. We hit the end of the island and skied downhill all the way back. About a mile and a half. Not bad for a windy morning.

(I kinda blew it on the sea slug pic. Sorry about that.)

Hot tea and hot breakfast awaited when we climbed back aboard. Steaming cups and bowls we huddled over in the deceptive sunshine. We pulled anchor and cruised on up to No Name Cay where the pigs roam. Cheffy handed us a bag of scraps - lucky pigs because our meals have been GOOD. They were delighted to see us. Again. Simon had completed his pig obedience training prior to getting here, so he had signals and commands that seemed to keep all pigs in line. The little piglets are impossibly cute. Really. It's barely possibly to see one and not yearn to pick it up. There's actually a sign telling you not to pick up the piglets. They are that cute.

What. You're dead inside? You have no soul? You don't think piglets are cute? Shame on you.

Back to the boat for cheeseburgers. With bacon. Oh. Sorry about that, piglets.

We needed some water and a few provisions so we swung into Green Turtle Cay for both. Janine and Hugh Jr. hit the adorable little town for site seeing and came back with cake. Excellent. I even looked at a rental bungalow for a future visit. That's how much I like this place.

Janine took this on her walk around town on Green Turtle Cay!

Janine took this on her walk around town on Green Turtle Cay!

During all of this time, the wind continued to build. It's still coming at us out of the North West, which kind of throws a wrench into our plan to repeat last week's path. We motored around checking out hidey holes, which ate into our chance for an afternoon swim, but gave us great light and photo ops. So tonight we're tucked into a new place, a little harbour on the southern end of Nunjack / Manjack cay. The wind is going to howl all night, but we'll still do a new swim here in the morning. I'm told that over the course of tomorrow the wind will die to nothing, and Thursday we should have our choice of places to visit.

Captain Simeon and Zack the Wonder Kid at the helm.

Captain Simeon and Zack the Wonder Kid at the helm.

Myssie just enjoying being on the boat.

Myssie just enjoying being on the boat.

I keep worrying about these guys, that they won't enjoy their week because of weather. Finally tonight I realize it's just not the case. We dined on fresh lobster tails (nice score Cheffy Chris!) and curried potatoes and polenta and shared boisterous conversation and laughs. These four are really up for anything, and I'm following their lead in surrendering to the conditions. They've come out of the wind and waves happy, they've spent a swim-less afternoon on this boat happy. They love these waters and these skies and this week. And the pigs and piglets. And they are excited for tomorrow. Me too.

- Heather

Simeon considering our anchorage for the night.

Simeon considering our anchorage for the night.

PS. Holy cow! Myssie and Hugh Jr just came in from the deck and reported 18 shooting stars in the last few minutes! Geminid. Nice. Wind be damned. I'm going to sleep with my hatch open tonight.